Ready to step up to non-toxic plant care?
Made from food-grade ingredients, GrowSafe is safe for plants, people, pets and the environment.
GrowSafe is safer and more effective than Neem oil, killing aphids, spider mites, white flies, powdery mildew, downy mildew and more, on contact.
It isn’t just a treatment, it’s a preventative that protects your indoor and outdoor plants against pests and diseases.
GrowSafe has no smell and it will not change the flavor of flowers, fruits, herbs or vegetables.
Integrate GrowSafe into your plant care routine today!

Read what people say about GrowSafe

This stuff works!
I almost ripped out this rose bush that I inherited with the house. It was diseased with spots, and God knows what and I kept cutting it and I tried neem oil, but it still looked really bad. Both of my rose bushes were diseased with spots on the leaves, discoloration, etc. I found & read about this and it sounded like it was stronger than neem and I proceeded to put it on my rose bushes and potted dwarf fruit trees and I will say they all look fantastic! Look at the roses! And no spots on the leaves- it's super healthy now! Very easy to use too. I'm impressed and would absolutely purchase again!
Saved African Violets
I had what I believed to be cyclamen mites on several of my African violets. Neem oil didn't do anything and they were almost a total loss when I decided to try this product.
I was able to save all my infected plants, which was about a dozen of them. Now I use this regularly as a preventative and my plants have recovered.

Aphids be gone
Had some aphids on a couple special plants, tried some of the quick go to's to rid this problem. They would work to take out some but they would always be back in a day or two.
Tried this 2 days ago. Not any site of anything as of yet. This is the only product I've used in which I didn't see any the next afternoon.