GrowSafe Bio-Pesticide 5.2 Gal
Precio unitario porGrowSafe biopesticida, miticida orgánico y natural, fungicida e insecticida
Corn oil, Soybean oil, Sunflower oil, Coconut oil, water, Citric acid
Two-spotted mites
Broad mites
Preventative protocol (1.5% solution):
Mix 60ml/2oz. GrowSafe with a gallon of water.
Spray every 6-10 days from seedling to harvest.
Moderate protocol (2%-2.5%):
Mix 75-95ml/2.5-3.2oz GrowSafe a gallon of water.
Two (2) spraying applications per week, with a 3 day gap in between each spraying for the first two weeks. Then reduce to preventative protocol.
Severe protocol (3%-4%):
Mix 115-150ml/3.9-5oz. GrowSafe with a gallon of water.
Three (3) spraying applications with a 3 day gap between each spraying. Then reduce to preventative protocol.
- Contains all-natural and organic food-based ingredients for organic gardening that are non-toxic.
- The unified and stable oil blends better and is safer than other oils for plants; it mixes easily with water without separation and does not burn or suffocate the leaves, affect the plant’s development, or change the fruit’s taste or flavor.
- Safe for human, pets, bees, ladybugs, and other beneficial predators.
- It can be used from seedling up to the last day of harvest.
- Due to its natural ingredients, GrowSafe is exempt from EPA registration under FIFRA Section 25(b) as a minimum risk pesticide.
FAQs about GrowSafe bio-pesticide
To calculate the mixing ratio, use the following formula:
Water amount x GrowSafe percentage = Amount of GrowSafe you need to add
For example:
- If you are using 24 ounces of water and need a 2% GrowSafe solution, you would calculate as follows:
24 x 0.02= 0.48oz (or 14.5ml)
Add 0.48oz GrowSafe to 24oz of water to acheive 2% solution - If you are using 32 ounces of water and need a 2.5% GrowSafe solution, you would calculate as follows:
32 x 0.025=0.8oz (or 25ml)
Add 0.48oz GrowSafe to 32oz of water to acheive 2.5% solution
- Avoid spraying before upcoming rain. GrowSafe is highly soluble in water and will be washed away during rain. Resume spraying once the rain has stopped and the plants are dry.
- Avoid spraying when temperature is above 85 degrees, spray in the late afternoon (6-8 pm) when there is no direct sunlight. GrowSafe is very safe in high temperatures as long as the plant is fully dry before it gets direct sunlight.
- Avoid spraying during day time with direct sunlight.
Yes, you can combine GrowSafe with many other products to improve efficacy and save time. The following products are safe to mix with GrowSafe:
- Insecticidal Soap
- Spinosad
- B.T. (Bacillus thuringiensis)
- Copper
- Pyrethrin
- AzaMax
Always follow the label instructions of the product you wish to combine and add 2% GrowSafe to the final solution.
Do not mix GrowSafe with other oils, such as Neem or Mineral oil, as it could burn your plants.
The longer the solution stays on the leaves before it dries, the better the results. Therefore, the best times to spray are early morning (6-8 am) or late afternoon (6-8 pm). Spraying during complete darkness is ideal if you have the option to do so.
Yes, you can use any type of sprayer as long as it provides good coverage. GrowSafe kills on contact, meaning it won’t kill the insects if you miss them. A quality sprayer is the primary factor between poor and great results.
To test if your sprayer is good enough, spray water on a mirror and see if you get an even, uniform coverage.
After spraying your plants, check the underside of the leaves to make sure they are all wet. If you see dry spots, spray again.
Yes, GrowSafe has an expiration date of 2 years for an unopened container. Once the container is opened, we recommend using it within 6 months.
Oil separation on the top layer indicates that the formula is no longer stable and won't be as effective as before.